What to do if we Do Not Offer an Assessment/Diagnosis

Disagree with the screening results

Please contact OAADDS to discuss the process with a clinician.

Disagree with outcome of your assessment

You may be able to request a 2nd opinion assessment

  • Via the NHS dependent on funding being agreed on a case by case basis
  • Via a private clinician

If we are unable to accept your referral because:


You do not live in/are not registered with a GP in Oxfordshire 

Our initial advice is always to make an appointment with your GP to discuss the options in your area. Most Autism Diagnostic Services require you to be referred by a GP or other health professional in any case. Here is some information to help you find out about ASC assessments in neighbouring counties to Oxfordshire: 


Buckinghamshire: https://www.oxfordhealth.nhs.uk/servicedirectory/adult-autism-diagnostic-team-2/ 

Berkshire: https://www.berkshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/our-services/mental-health-and-wellbeing/adult-autism-assessment-team/ 

Gloucestershire: https://www.ghc.nhs.uk/our-teams-and-services/asc-service/ 

Warwickshire: https://www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk/search/text-content/adult-neurodevelopmental-service-1031/ 


Wiltshire: www.awp.nhs.uk/our-services/specialist-services/bristol-autism-spectrum-service/wiltshire-autism-diagnostic-service-wads


You are under the age of 18 

If you are under the age of 18 you will need your GP to refer you to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) for an assessment. If you are only a few months away from turning 18 we know that realistically you may not be seen by CAMHS before your 18th birthday, at which point they will discharge you. However, unfortunately we are  not able to accept a referral until the client is at least 18. We will be happy to accept a referral from you on or after your 18th birthday. 


You are currently under the AMHT (Adult Mental Health Team) or LDT (Learning Disability Team) 

The AMHT will be able to make a referral for you via the reasonable adjustment team.  Please contact them and ask for a referral to be made.

We are unable to accept any referrals from people under the LDT. The LDT should be able to carry out an autism assessment for you within their team. This page has the contact information for the Learning Disability Teams.